Thank You for Helping to Put Food on the Table

It happened again.
Once was unusual.
Twice was surprising.
The third time, though? We knew you’d want to know.

Binc’s Program managers contact every person that inquires about help. During the phone conversation they ask open ended questions, among them ‘what are your biggest worries caused by this situation?’

Most often the biggest worry is their upcoming housing payments; and payments to keep the electricity running, looming medical bills, or unattainable copayments.

In the past six weeks a new worry has appeared as the chief need for people seeking help.


Yes; there are still fears that the rent payment would be late, but they are worried about getting groceries for the next five days.

Yes; the electricity is needed during the extreme heat this summer, but food for the family is needed more.

We’ve read about it in the news, and we are hearing the worry and fear from booksellers, owners, and comic shop employees firsthand: what necessity needs to go so they can feed their children?

For many booksellers, comic shop employees, and store owners, this is the first time they are seeking out their local food banks, not donating to them.

Thanks to your support they don’t need to choose between food and their home. You make it possible to keep them in their home and feed their family.


“… as many booksellers as possible should know that there is help waiting for them if they need it, and that even though it’s sometimes hard to ask for help, help is waiting for them in Binc.”

A Bookseller You Helped

Quotes may be edited for length, clarity and to help preserve confidentiality.

With your support of Binc, you make possible the financial assistance to cover the rent, the medical bills, the electricity payments, as well as the other tools Binc provides such as a national food bank locator, information on SNAP benefits, and other local resources.

Each grantee also receives an invitation to participate in fully-paid programs with online platforms Best Money Moves, an online resource for them to learn about and acquire financial wellness tools, and BetterHelp to receive mental health support.

Thank you for your donations that make this possible.

You are changing lives.


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The Book Industry Charitable Foundation

3135 S. State Street, Suite 203 Ann Arbor, MI 48108

Toll Free: 1-866-733-9064 |
Tax ID#: 383279018

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