Thanks to You, Binc is There to Answer the Call

It wasn’t supposed to be this way.

Other people are ill, get better, go back to work, and things get back to normal. That’s the way it’s supposed to happen. Sometimes, though; recovery from COVID-19 takes a little longer.

Sometimes it takes a lot longer, as it did for this bookseller suffering from Long Covid complications.

No matter how many times they tried to go back to work they simply couldn’t work through a shift before exhaustion, vertigo, and difficulty breathing made them stop.

And they did try, over and over, because the bills don’t stop when a person is sick.

Their bills didn’t stop.

Even though the bookseller couldn’t climb a ladder to get a book because of dizziness.

Even though they couldn’t type a sale into the register or words into the computer because the numbers and letters swim in front of their eyes.

Even though they had no more sick leave or vacation.

Even though they had reached the limit in the amount their friends and family could help.

Bills kept coming, and the stress and anxiety made everything feel even worse.

What could they do?  They weren’t comfortable asking for help. They were used to being the one that gives help. But the bills just kept coming. So, they called Binc.

And thanks to you, Binc is there to answer that call.


We knew you’d want to know the impact YOU made possible through your generous donations, and receive YOUR thank you, directly from that bookseller:

“I am incredibly thankful for all you have done for me. The stress relief alone was so vital to me actually recovering, instead of waking up each morning and trying to force myself to go to work when I was clearly incapable. 

Binc’s assistance was a vital relief for me and my family. Their help allowed me to focus on being a healthy, happy human being.

A big part of what made it so helpful was the ability to speak to another human being who cared and empathized. That genuine interaction made the process comfortable and eased my fears of receiving assistance. I really do thank you out loud every day.”

Your donation changes lives.  Every day.

Thank you for removing the stress, fear, and uncertainty for bookstore and comic shop employees and owners facing unexpected crises. Thank you for giving them the gift of help.

We couldn’t do it without you.

  • Binc can answer calls because of your support. Help us keep helping bookstore and comic shop employess and owners, donate today.
  • Download a poster for display in a bookstore or comic shop, and help get the word out about Binc..
  • Bookstore and comic shop employees and owners, if you need help or know a colleague who needs help, reach out.


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The Book Industry Charitable Foundation

3135 S. State Street, Suite 203 Ann Arbor, MI 48108

Toll Free: 1-866-733-9064 |
Tax ID#: 383279018

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