You Reminded a Bookseller That They Are Not Alone

It starts with something small. A late payment. An unexpected expense. Then it snowballs and suddenly a bookseller is living in a dark and cold apartment with no heat, light, or running water.

This bookseller had been living without water and electricity for six months to keep current on their car payments and rent. They had been showering at the rec center, recharging their phone at work, and leaving their car at home as often as possible while they rode a bicycle to work to save on gasoline.

Although they work full time, they live in an area of the country where rent prices have been climbing; nearly 50% increase in average rent in the last five years alone. Looking for a second job to supplement their bookselling income, they were also working to restructure their debt and expenses.

The stress of maintaining that pace while returning each night to a dark and cold home was exhausting and taking its toll on their mental health. Finally, they confided their struggle to a coworker, who told them about Binc.

Thanks to you, a grant from Binc allowed them to get the water and electricity reconnected bringing light, warmth, and hope back into their home. They learned about the new pilot program with BetterHelp and received an invitation for eight free online therapy sessions.

More than the utilities restored and the therapy sessions; they found that they weren’t alone. Thanks to you; they found hope.


*Confidentiality is a core component of any assistance Binc provides. Some events may have been compressed and details might be included from another story to protect the confidentiality and privacy of all those who receive assistance from Binc.

“It is a gross understatement for me to say that I didn’t know that kindness such as this actually exists. I will never forget the generosity you have shown me.”

— A bookseller you helped**

**Quotes may be edited for length, clarity and to help preserve confidentiality.


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The Book Industry Charitable Foundation

3135 S. State Street, Suite 203 Ann Arbor, MI 48108

Toll Free: 1-866-733-9064 |
Tax ID#: 383279018

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