You Are Helping Us Provide Mental Health Support

An employee that was dependable through the worst days of the 2020 and 2021 pandemic store closures suddenly starts coming in late and leaving early because of headaches.

A manager that can solve any scheduling problem chokes back bitter retorts when employees request time off for family vacations.

Shelving a new shipment, an employee bumps into a display that topples and spills the product across the sales floor. Kneeling to pick up the mess; they break down in tears and start to sob uncontrollably.

These are some of the consequences of prolonged stress on physical and mental health. A report from the American Psychological Association showed that the pandemic has heightened the impact of chronic prolonged stress for people from all walks of life, and is especially linked to anxiety, depression, anger, sleep difficulties, eating disorders. You know that if you read about it in the news, then Binc is there for employees and owners of bookstores and comic shops who are experiencing it.

That’s why the time was right for the new mental health pilot program Binc launched in conjunction with BetterHelp. Owners and employees of bookstores and comic shops can participate in 2 months (8 virtual sessions plus unlimited texting) with the therapist of their choice. BetterHelp therapists are licensed and accredited, and all participation is confidential.

Response to this pilot was immediate and positive. Within 2 hours of the announcement of the pilot in the March Binc newsletter, we received the first inquiry about participating and requests are continuing steadily. The relief and response when someone learns that they are receiving the 8 free sessions has been heartfelt and full of gratitude, and the impact of the pilot will be felt not only by them, but potentially by their families, coworkers, and communities.

Thanks to you, Binc has been able to add this mental health pilot in addition to providing bookstore and comic shop employees and owners assistance when they experience unexpected financial needs.

This thank you note from a participant in the BetterHelp pilot expresses how deeply your support is appreciated:

“It is a gross understatement for me to say that I didn’t know that kindness, such as this, actually exists. I’m very much looking forward to using this as soon as I possibly can, and I will never forget the generosity you have shown me.”

Confidentiality is a core component of any assistance Binc provides. Quotes may be edited for length, clarity and to help preserve confidentiality.

If you are a bookstore or comic shop owner or employee and you think the Binc/BetterHelp pilot program might be right for you, reach out via our inquiry form (…). Inquiries are confidential. We are here for you.


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The Book Industry Charitable Foundation

3135 S. State Street, Suite 203 Ann Arbor, MI 48108

Toll Free: 1-866-733-9064 |
Tax ID#: 383279018

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