You Are Helping a Family Fight Cancer

Various colors of ribbons for Cancer

All their carefully built plans for the future came to a halt when Carla* heard those two little words: “It’s cancer.”

Instead of adding to their savings account, they watched it drain away thanks to the copays, tests, and unpaid time off to attend appointment after appointment. The money that had been put aside for a home of their own disappeared.

The fear, pain and stress got even worse when the time came to pay their rent and they realized there wasn’t enough money to cover it. Overwhelmed, they searched online for help. That’s when they learned about Binc. Fearing help for booksellers was too good to be true, they took a deep breath and called.

Thanks to you, Binc was there to answer their call and reassure them that help was on the way.  Within a few days the rent was paid and eight weeks of mental health support was started. Binc also provides resources like or and suggests outreach to other organizations, such as the regional bookseller associations and the American Booksellers Association. Depending on the information supplied in the inquiry or in a follow-up call resources specific to the situation are also shared.

Every week your donations help someone like this bookseller, letting them know they are not alone.


*Names and details have been changed to preserve the anonymity of the grant recipient. 


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The Book Industry Charitable Foundation

3135 S. State Street, Suite 203 Ann Arbor, MI 48108

Toll Free: 1-866-733-9064 |
Tax ID#: 383279018

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