A Slow-Building Medical Emergency

vol.8 // January ’20

In 2019 we received more assistance requests for help paying for medical care than any other category of emergency assistance. According to a recent Gallup survey, a third of U.S. adults say their family couldn’t afford care in the past year. When booksellers and comic retailers delay or forgo required medical treatment, problems escalate and become more expensive and even life-threatening. This was the situation faced by a bookseller recently, but because of supporters like you, they knew where to call for help.

As wonderful as old books can be, they can also create a physical challenge to those who work with these treasures. Such was the circumstance faced recently by a bookstore owner who had been dealing with a slow-building medical emergency that was threatening to become a chronic condition. A trip to the doctor and a chest x-ray concluded that they were suffering from a respiratory infection. Medications and a follow-up x-ray were prescribed to prevent the bookseller’s current condition from escalating into pneumonia. Unfortunately, the original doctor visit and x-ray had tapped out this uninsured bookseller’s funds. Luckily, they had heard about Binc and knew they could call for help.

Binc was able to steer the bookseller to GoodRx where the price of the medications was reduced from more than $600 to less than $200. After Binc covered the needed medications and the cost of a follow-up x-ray, the bookseller is on the mend and continues running one of the few remaining independent bookstores in their city.

“Binc provided critical information and potentially-life-saving monetary assistance. How does one thank someone for that? I will keep my bookstore running strong, put my renewed strength into growing its reach, bringing books, ideas, words of insight and imagination to more and more people. That’s how I will try to express my profound gratitude. Thank you so very much for the support. I’ll do my best to pass this goodness along.”

—The Bookseller You Helped


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The Book Industry Charitable Foundation

3135 S. State Street, Suite 203 Ann Arbor, MI 48108

Toll Free: 1-866-733-9064 | info@bincfoundation.org
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