Binc Opens Application for Macmillan Professional Development Scholarships

ANN ARBOR, MI–The Book Industry Charitable (Binc) Foundation and Macmillan Publishers are proud to announce that applications are open for the Macmillan Booksellers Professional Development Scholarship which provides $500 to booksellers traditionally underrepresented within the industry to attend their region’s fall trade show. Applications are accepted May 1-20, 2024.

“We’re excited to continue our collaboration with Binc for the professional development scholarship,” said Tim Greco, EVP, Sales, Macmillan Publishers. “By investing in the growth of these booksellers, Binc is building a future for the book industry that is as diverse and vibrant as our communities.”

The scholarship allows eight booksellers from underrepresented groups to attend their regional independent book association trade show. Each scholarship covers the cost of travel, lodging and meals for one bookseller up to $500.

Categories of eligibility:

  • People of color, defined as people of African/African American, Asian/Pacific Islander, Latin American, Middle Eastern, or Native American/Indigenous descent.
  • People who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, nonbinary, genderqueer, or queer.
  • People with disabilities (including but not limited to physical, sensory, cognitive, intellectual, or developmental disabilities, chronic conditions, and mental illnesses).

“Underrepresented booksellers have access to a wider range of opportunities for professional development and growth within the book industry thanks to our partners,” said Binc Executive Director Pam French. “Binc is honored to work with Macmillan Publishers and the Independent Bookseller Associations to increase access.”

Applicants must be currently employed and have 90 days of continuous employment as a regular part-time or full-time employee to be eligible to apply. The bookstore must be a member in good standing of one of the regional trade associations and applicants must discuss their application and potential selection as scholarship recipient with their store owner/manager prior to applying for the scholarship.

The applicant will answer three short essay questions. The winner from each region will be selected with an identity-hidden review process by a panel from Macmillan and the Binc program committee.


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The Book Industry Charitable Foundation

3135 S. State Street, Suite 203 Ann Arbor, MI 48108

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