Macmillan Professional Development Scholarship

Binc and Macmillan Publishers are proud to offer the Macmillan Booksellers Professional Development Scholarship, which provides $500 to booksellers traditionally underrepresented within the industry to attend their region’s fall trade show.

The scholarship allows eight booksellers from underrepresented groups to attend one of the eight regional independent book association trade shows. Each scholarship covers the cost of travel, lodging and meals for one bookseller at each regional independent bookseller association’s fall trade show up to $500.

The deadline to apply is May 20th at 5pm EDT.


Applicants must fall into one of the categories below and meet all of the criteria. 


  • People of color, defined as people of African/African American, Asian/Pacific Islander, Latin American, Middle Eastern, or Native American/Indigenous descent.
  • People who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, nonbinary, genderqueer, or queer.
  • People with disabilities (includes but is not limited to physical, sensory, cognitive, intellectual, or developmental disabilities, chronic conditions, and mental illnesses).


  • Applicant must coordinate attendance with their store owner or manager if they are not the store owner or manager.
  • The applicant’s store must be a member of one of the regional IBA organizations.
  • The applicant must be a regular part-time or full-time employee of the bookstore.
  • Applicant must be currently employed and have 90 days of continuous employment with the bookstore.
  • Applicant must not have received a Binc scholarship before.