Press Coverage

The Orange County Register – Where do local booksellers get help when things get tough? Here.

Publishers Weekly – Twelve BIPOC Bookselling Entrepreneurs Jump into BincTank

Good E-Reader – extends support to struggling booksellers in collaboration with best-selling authors

GoodGoodGood –, best-selling authors donate audiobook profits to independent booksellers in need

LitHub – Flood-affected bookstores in St. Louis and Kentucky need your help.

Publishers Weekly – Binc Issues Plea for Flood Victims – How bookstores are weathering the pandemic

Publishers Weekly – Give Comics Hope, Binc Partner to Help Comics Shops

Publishers Weekly – Wildfires Taking Toll on Booksellers, Publishers

Lit Hub – The Book Industry Charitable Foundation Has Never Been Busier Helping Bookstores

Shelf Awareness – Inside an Unprecedented Eight Weeks at Binc

The New York Times – Online Auction to Aid Comic-Book Shops Raises Over $430,000

The New York Times – Comic Creators Unite to Benefit Stores

Publishers Weekly – Binc Steps In for Booksellers in Need – How Nonprofit Binc Helps Booksellers Facing Financial Hardship

The Washington Times – James Patterson sets up fund to help indie booksellers

Slate – What Will Happen to Independent Bookstores?

Shelf Awareness – Riordans Start $100K #SaveIndieBookstores Matching Gift Challenge

Wired – The Coronavirus Pandemic Is Changing How People Buy Books

Literary Hub – Providing Help to Booksellers, When They Need It