Carla Gray Memorial Scholarship for Emerging Bookseller-Activists
This scholarship and its recipients will celebrate and honor Carla’s boundless enthusiasm for the books themselves, her delight in pairing the right book with the right reader, and her unwavering faith in the bookselling community.
The scholarship includes funds to attend Winter Institute and a fall regional trade show. The bookseller will also be granted funding to support a community outreach project of their own design.
This Year’s Applications Will Be Accepted August 29th – September 20th.
Criteria and Eligibility
- Applicant has at least 1 year but fewer than 10 years of bookselling experience.
- Applicant is willing and able to commit one year to complete the requirements of the scholarship and intends to remain employed at the designated bookstore until the completion of the community outreach project.
- Applicant’s store meets the criteria of “bookstore” as defined by Binc policies. (Please email info@bincfoundation.org if you have a question about your store.)
- Applicant’s store is a member in good standing of the ABA and their regional trade association.
- Applicant is a regular part-time or full-time employee of a bricks & mortar bookstore or pop-up.
- A maximum of one scholarship will be awarded each year.
- An applicant may receive this scholarship only once in their tenure as a bookseller.
- A store cannot receive this scholarship two years in a row.
- Bookstore owner agrees to partner on the community outreach project.
The Scholarship
One bookseller will be awarded a year-long scholarship for professional development, which includes: up to $1,000 to cover travel and hotel for attendance to Winter Institute, up to $1,000 to cover travel and hotel for attendance to a fall regional tradeshow, and a stipend of up to $1,000 to fund a community outreach project for their store.
Previous Winners

Riley Glissendorf
2023 winner
“I am unbelievably honored to be the chosen recipient of the Carla Gray Memorial Scholarship for Emerging Bookseller – Activists. Bookselling has not only cemented my passion for the arts, literature, writing and activism, it continues to inspire me within my communities, local, state, and that of humanhood. The resources provided by Binc will allow Stonecrest Book and Toy and I to persist in the progression of our rural community by ensuring that children have access to inclusive literature with diverse characters that reflect them.”

Miesha Headen
2019 winner
Headen will be using the grant to support her work organizing Loganberry’s People of Color Author Showcase. This showcase is held in collaboration with the Great Lakes African American Writers’ Conference and Cleveland Book Week. Among Headen’s goals for the program are to increase the number of readers of diverse literature and to provide a platform for diverse authors in the literary community of Cleveland.

Kay Kerimian
2022 winner
2022 Carla Gray Winner, Kay, is a trans nonbinary career bookseller, who is dedicated to the amplification of literature as profound means of affirmation, empowerment, and reclamation. When identities are politicized and rights at stake, representation has the power to save lives, that is why, with the help of the Carla Grey Memorial Scholarship for Emerging Bookseller-Activists, they launched The Nonbinarian Book Bike.

Kelsey Nolan
2018 winner
Skylight Books events manager will be using the $1000 grant to create a 4-6-week intern position. In her two-part plan, Nolan and Skylight will first focus on outreach then hire and train a bookseller from a historically marginalized community. Through outreach and a new paid internship program at Skylight Books, she hopes to begin to address the historic lack of diversity in bookselling.

Mackenzie Van Engelenhoven
2021 winner
Van Engelenhoven’s project is a store bookmobile to expand the store’s reach into the community and bring free books to children in outlying areas that have no access to books or can’t afford them. As a long term goal she wants to gradually expand and reach the ‘Native American reservations in the next five years.’
More About this Unique Scholarship
“We are so heartened to see the continuing support for this scholarship program and are excited to help new booksellers imagine ever more ways to engage and inspire their communities.”—Jenna Johnson (Friends of Carla Gray Committee)