Mental Health Wellness
Your therapy, when you need it.
Binc is pleased to offer access to professional therapy with a licensed therapist to eligible booksellers and comic retailers. The first step is to get in touch with Binc using the simple and easy application.
If you are in crisis and need immediate assistance, please text the Crisis Text Line. They provide free, 24/7 mental health support via text message.
Text Crisis Text Line: Text “DESERVE” TO 741-741
Fill Out an Application
Will Binc know what happens in therapy?
No. Binc will not have any access to your therapy or other personal data. If you participate in telehealth therapy, you can also select an anonymous username and use your personal email when you sign up.
What type of services are provided?
Our telehealth partner offers individual, couples and teen therapy services.
How Does it Work?
The standard telehealth program currently offers visits over a six-month timeframe with a therapist who is specifically assigned to your individual preferences. You can communicate with your therapist via text, talk, phone, and video whenever you feel it’s needed.
If you prefer to continue working with your own therapist and it isn’t affordable for you, a Binc program manager will work with you on payment arrangements to continue your sessions.
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Annette Stillson
Annette's Beach Book Nook
During Hurricane Ian a storm surge of over 8 inches wiped it and many other stores and homes out. Thanks to the help from Binc I was able to pay my mortgage, giving me the time to concentrate on what to do next. I'm happy to say I will be opening Annette's Beach Book Nook on Fort Myers Beach by the end of summer.

Annette Stillson
Annette's Beach Book Nook
During Hurricane Ian a storm surge of over 8 inches wiped it and many other stores and homes out. Thanks to the help from Binc I was able to pay my mortgage, giving me the time to concentrate on what to do next. I'm happy to say I will be opening Annette's Beach Book Nook on Fort Myers Beach by the end of summer.

— Bookseller helped after losing their job

— Bookseller helped after losing their job